Quarterly Database Update Information

TAWS Products (ST3400)

The ST3400 TAWS database is updated 3-4 times a year. Please contact Nighthawk Flight Systems to purchase a database update.

The database consists of two files, an airport file and a terrain/obstacle file, both of which are updated through the USB interface.

ST3400 Database Update Instructions (1.8 MB)

Current Database Version

Airport Listing – ST3400 December 2021 Database (6 MB)

Airport Database: Cycle 2404 Effective Apr 18, 2024

Terrain/Obstacle Databases Merged: 

​Obstacle: 01APR24 (2024Q2)

Terrain: 30NOV18

Database Regions

The following coverage regions are available for the ST3400.

Note: The worldwide region is only supported by ST3400 units with serial numbers 2000 or higher.

North America Region

Africa Region

Asia Pacific Region

Europe Region

Globe Region

South America

HeliTAWS Products (ST3400H and ST3453H)

The HeliTAWS database consists of four files for the following datasets: airports, geographic overlay (water bodies and roads), obstacles, and terrain.

Current database revision dates as shown during startup:

Terrain Revision: 30NOV18

Obstacle Revision: 01APR24 (2024Q2)

Airport Revision: Effective APR 18, 2024, Cycle 2404

Overlay Revision: 01JAN13

Database updates are available on a yearly subscription basis. Please contact Nighthawk Flight Systems to order and download an update.

WIREWATCH® Transmission Line Coverage Information

Currently, transmission line data is available the United States, Canada and New Zealand. This data is updated as part of the obstacle database file.

HeliTAWS Transmission Line Coverage – USA and Canada (721 kB)